Peter Greer’s Australian Visit

CMA is excited to be hosting Peter Greer on his first Australian visit, for three events in two cities. For more details about the topic and format of each event, visit the event links below.

Lead with Prayer – the spiritual habits of world-changing leaders.

This is the title of a new book Peter has co-authored, and there is a micro-site about the book, along with free downloadable resources, at

Melbourne Afternoon, 26th July from 1.30 – 4.30 at The Hotel Windsor in the CBD
Spend the full afternoon being led by Peter unpacking in detail the learnings of over 100 interviews with world leaders about their prayer lives. More details and registration here

Sydney Breakfast, 29th July from 7.15 – 8.45 at The Grace Sydney in the CBD
A CMA CBD breakfast, where Peter will deliver a shortened version of the ‘Lead with Prayer’ content. More details and registration here (consider booking a table of 8 and bring your colleagues)

The CEO, the Chair and succession: stewarding a ministry’s critical relationships.

Strictly limited to board chairs, and CEOs / Senior Pastors / Principals

Melbourne morning and lunch, 26th July from 9.30 – 1.15 at The Hotel Windsor in the CBD

This is a rare opportunity to spend a morning and a meal with other ministry CEOs, Senior Pastors, Principals, and Board / Council Chairs from around Australia, and engage with a respected international spiritual leader and author Peter Greer who has written on these topics. Peter will be addressing some of the content from his books ‘The Board and the CEO’, and ‘Succession’, and leading discussions to help attendees wrestle with both the spiritual and practical aspects of the chair / CEO relationship, and the complex process of leadership transition & succession. According to Peter, ‘an organisation is never more vulnerable to the risk of mission drift, than during the process of executive succession.’

More details and registration here

Peter Greer

Peter Greer is an author, speaker, and president and CEO of HOPE International, a global Christ-centered organization working to alleviate physical and spiritual poverty in more than 20 countries around the world.

Peter graduated from Messiah University and received a master’s in public policy in political and economic development from Harvard’s Kennedy School. Prior to joining HOPE, Peter worked in microfinance in Cambodia, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe. As an advocate for the Church’s role in missions and economic development, Peter has co-authored over 15 books, including Lead With Prayer, The Gift of Disillusionment, Mission Drift (a Christianity Today Book Award Winner), Rooting for Rivals (a Leadership Resource of the Year in Outreach magazine), The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good (selected as one of the top 40 books on poverty by WORLD magazine) and Created to Flourish.

More important than his role at HOPE is his role as husband to Laurel and dad to Keith, Liliana, Myles, and London. While his sports loyalties remain in New England, Peter and his family live in Lancaster, PA, USA

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