Peter Greer’s Visit

26 July, 9.30-1.15, Melbourne CBD
“The CEO, the Chair and Succession”

26 July, 1.30-4.30, Melbourne CBD
“Lead with Prayer”

29 July, 7.15am-8.45, Sydney CBD
“Lead with Prayer” breakfast

CMA is excited to be hosting Peter Greer on his first Australian visit, for three events in two cities. For more details about the topic and format of each event, click the link below.

Upcoming Events

Business Breakfast

Lead with Prayer (Peter Greer) Sydney Breakfast

A CMA CBD Breakfast


CMA serves Christian churches and ministries throughout Australia in areas such as:


Effective governance is crucial for achieving your God-given mission, and for protecting your organisation, and those you serve, from harm. You can’t afford to get this wrong.


Managing the staff and volunteers God has entrusted to you with professionalism, legal diligence and Christian love is complex, but our workplaces ought to do it best!


Generating the revenue required to operate a ministry, then managing the finances both accountably and strategically, can really unleash your organisation’s potential.

With events around Australia, online webinars and member-only discussions, a national conference, niche resources, unique publications, a fantastic jobs board and much more in the pipeline, CMA is Australia’s hub for the leaders, managers and board members of Christian organisations.

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